*In-person conference fees include conference materials, snacks as well as two lunches.
The fees are specifically earmarked for running the BERMUN program. Please compute the total on the basis of the number of students and MUN advisors attending the conference.
If you would like to receive an official invoice, please contact us prior to the deadline.
Bank transfers are payable to:
Student Activity Fund
Commerzbank Berlin
IBAN: DE59 1004 0000 0351 1177 05
Clearly indicate the following information on the bank transfer:
If the transfer is not labeled accordingly, your fees will not be allocated into the BERMUN sub-account!
The payment deadline is October 15.
During the fall conference (BERMUN), we offer a Housing Program with a limited number of host families available within the John F. Kennedy School (JFKS) community. Please understand that we cannot hope to place every BERMUN participant with a JFKS host family. More information is on the Housing Options page. We are unable to offer any housing assistance during BERMUN2.
Housing OptionsAll countries will be represented by one delegate in the various committees.
For BERMUN in the fall, the Security Council (SC) and the Historical Security Council (HSC) will have two delegates per delegation.
For BERMUN2 in the spring, the SC will have one delegate per country.
Please keep in mind that Security Council and Historical Security Council delegates must be fluent in English, very well informed about the topics and the current situation in world politics, and ready to present their country’s opinion at all times.