Dear SOCHUM Participants,
Welcome to the 2025 BERMUN2 conference! This year’s conference topic is Fighting Inequality. Inequality has been a part of society since the beginning of human history, ranging from economic, cultural, and environmental inequality, which is why it is important to make fast progress to ensure equal opportunities for all. As the UN states, one of the best ways to achieve this is education. Sadly, however, 251 million children and youth are still out of school. That is why this year’s committee topic of the Social and Humanitarian Council (SOCHUM) “Realizing Equal Access to Education”.
On a more personal note, I am a 15 year old German-American in 10th grade at the John F. Kennedy School in Berlin, which I have been attending since 6th grade. I have been living in Berlin my whole life and enjoy cooking, biking with friends, and playing guitar. I have been a part of the MUN program for three years now, and this year’s conference will be my sixth BERMUN/BERMUN2 conference, as well as my third time chairing.
I look forward to seeing you all in February and I hope that we can make this a memorable conference for everyone!
Benno Thomas
1 Parlier, Romain. “251M children and youth still out of school, despite decades of progress (UNESCO report).” UNESCO, 31 10 2024,,251M%20children%20and%20youth%20still%20out%20of%20school%2C%20despite%20decades,Monitoring%20Report%202024%20unveil. Accessed 11 1 2025.