
Julia Szczerba


of the


I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Stefana Żeromskiego w Zawierciu

Dear delegates,

Welcome to BERMUN’s 2024 Human Rights Committee! 

This year’s overarching theme of the conference: „Fostering Global Citizenship among Identities and Responsibilities'' aims to build a sense of belonging to a common humanity. Global citizenship promotes human dignity, equality and respect for diversity. Fostering Global Citizenship is essential in building a world without xenophobia, a world in which diversity is celebrated and human rights are nurtured.

The vast majority of xenophobia is born on Social Media. That is why one of the topics discussed in the HRC will be „Addressing the Role of Social Media amidst Rising Xenophobia”. Online xenophobia prohibits the fostering of global citizenship, as it centers on the rejection of those perceived as outsiders. Furthermore, xenophobia reinforces narrow identities based on nationality or ethnicity, creating an "us versus them" mentality that excludes those who are different. 

The second topic discussed will be “Reaffirming the Universality of the UN Declaration of Human Rights”. Reaffirming the UDHR provides a foundation of shared values and principles that are essential for fostering global citizenship. The principles of fostering global citizenship and the UDHR align, as they both encourage empathy, tolerance and the recognition of common humanity.

My MUN journey began 5 years ago as a Delegate, after that I got to serve as a Chair and the President of the General Assembly. I am a 17-year-old student in 11th grade and live in Poland. When I’m not immersed in international politics and MUN conferences you can find me freestyle windsurfing, painting or hanging out with my friends.

I am excited to embark on this journey with you all and look forward to seeing you in November!

Julia Szczerba

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